Saturday, October 30, 2010

words of the week

These are the words that have ruminated in me this past week...

a lazy person who stays in bed long after the usual time for arising.
***this was the word of the day in my inbox on sunday, the day that i once again did not arise in time to attend a morning church service <sigh>

–verb (used without object) struggle in opposition: to contend with the enemy for control of the port. strive in rivalry; compete; vie: to contend for first prize. strive in debate; dispute earnestly: to contend against falsehood.
–verb (used with object) assert or maintain earnestly: He contended that taxes were too high.
***i awoke one morning this week with a combination of the scriptures below in my heart and head
Genesis 6:3
Then the LORD said, "My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal ; his days will be a hundred and twenty years." 
Isaiah 49:25
But this is what the LORD says: "Yes, captives will be taken from warriors, and plunder retrieved from the fierce; I will contend with those who contend with you, and your children I will save.

1. a preliminary to an action, event, condition, or work of broader scope and higher importance.
2.any action, event, comment, etc. that precedes something else. 
 a. a relatively short, independent instrumental composition, free in form and resembling an improvisation.
b. a piece that precedes a more important movement.
c. the overture to an opera.
d. an independent piece, of moderate length, sometimes used as an introduction to a fugue.
e. music opening a church service; an introductory voluntary.
 ***this word has come to mind multiple mornings this week as i've driven to work through the archways of multicolored autumn leaves

teaching quantum mechanics

Oh quantum mechanics...  It has been quite fun and challenging to try to introduce you to a young group of general chemistry students this past week.  I enjoyed the opportunity to tell the story of how experimental evidence didn't match the classical physics theory.  I always like talking about the discoveries found when we are carefully observant - when we look for something beautiful - something that strikes us with awe.  Within that small crack of deviation between the theory and observation, there existed a whole realm beyond what any had even imagined.  It is still difficult for us to imagine or even begin to describe...  and here I am, I'm trying to "teach" about particle-wave duality, intelligently, in a way that a student could begin to grasp at this crazy concept proposed by Prince de Broglie...  I must admit I don't even try to do this without a wink and a smile, readily admitting that this is difficult for us to wrap our minds around... 

Today when I was describing a node in an electron orbital as a region of zero electron density, one of my students asked "but how does the electron get to the other side of the node?"  I smiled mischeviously (maybe even laughed lightly) and said "good question," then paused, and asked if anyone else had any questions...  The class laughed together and the student himself responded saying, "well I guess it has to do with the wavelike property of the electron particle and how it is delocalized over the entire orbital."  LOVE IT when they answer their own question - well answer it with at least as good of an answer as I could give them to this mind boggling question...

Wednesday, I was discussing whether an orbital "exists" if it is not occupied by an electron.  I was explaining the way I think about it is that it exists whether or not there is electron density in it (whether or not there is an electron).  For most thinking on atomic and molecular orbitals, my way of thinking works out for me.  BUT I readily admit that if someone wants to argue the opposite way (that if the definition of an orbital is a region of electron density... then the orbital is only a possibility and not a reality if there is not any electron in it), THEN I'd readily let them win the argument...  because in reality this is along the same lines of - "which came first - the chicken or the egg?"  And in the end, we'd both be describing the same reality and actually both have an understanding of the underlying concept being discussed.  I said "what we are really doing here is attempting to describe a reality with words and our words are limited and all our analogies break down at some point."  It has been refreshing to know that I'm in good company on this point.  Some of my favorite science quotes come from the fathers of quantum mechanics


"When it comes to atoms, language can be used only as in poetry. The poet, too, is not nearly so concerned with describing facts as with creating images." - Niels Bohr


 "Quantum theory provides us with a striking illustration of the fact that we can fully understand a connection though we can only speak of it in images and parables." -Heisenberg

As a teacher, I'm sometimes surprised by the random images, analogies, and stories that end up coming out of my mouth as I try to demonstrate a point.  For instance:  With regards to precipitation reactions, I talk about people hooking up at a party.  With regards to the photoelectric effect, I actually talked about a photon putting up bail to get an electron out of jail.  Oh yeah - and I talked about Harry Potter in class - I was trying to make the point that the students have a quantized address just like an electron (theirs is dorm, floor, room, & bed, like the electron's is shell, subshell, orbital, & spin)   In this quantized world, you could live on floor one or floor two, but not floor 1.3... Then I said, "but the platform in Harry Potter violates this quantization principle".  I asked them what was its number again and they responded in pretty near unison "it is platform 9 and 3 quarters"

So, this is my recounting of some highlights from teaching on this (it still surprises me how fun i think teaching this is).  I've also had some thought connected to these concepts.  Specifically thinking about the delocalization of sin.  Also, thinking about how our lives, our transitions, are not like the transitions of the electrons from one level to another with no halfway or partway in between possible.  perhaps i'll write more about these thoughts in the days to come...

Sunday, October 24, 2010


This past week I purchased my first pair of TOMS and I eagerly await their arrival in the mail this week...

Then this weekend I went out and tried on snow boots for the upcoming winter. I'm putting off that decision a little bit longer, but I did end up buying my first pair of house shoes...

Tonight the sermon talked a lot about feet...
Beginning by talking about the "bent" woman in Lk 13 and how she'd spent 18 years of her life looking at nothing but feet.  Then picturing the woman who washed Jesus's feet with her tears and hair. Remembering how foot washing was done at the table where the wine and bread were shared.  Thinking of the women who stayed by Jesus's feet as he hung from the cross. Jesus tenderly bent down to the woman who had been crippled for so long, bent down to the woman who wept at his feet, and bent down to wash the disciples feet... and yet on the cross he didn't bend down to comfort the women who stood by. He descended even further than any of them could imagine... defeating the grave, demonstrating the great power of his tender love.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

some of what i've been learning from the animals...

i used to have roommates,
but now i have pets...
well they aren't actually  mine - i'm pet-sitting for this next year and i've got 2 cats (oliver and ziggy) and a dog (bella) to care for - this care is a bit more involved than my previous pet experience with fish ;)

the cats crack me up, they meow and meow, asking for food - i feed them twice a day - once in the morn and once at night - and yet you'd think i starve them based on how vigorously they sometimes beg...  i've thought about how i'm always listening to them, i can't tune their pleas out, sometimes i respond out loud - no or not now or not yet or i just fed you - and sometimes i am silent.  But I do give them what they are asking for - perhaps not when they ask, but when it is time - I feed them, give them water, clean up after them, play with them, allow them to curl up with me on the couch...

they remind me of the persistent widow.  they remind me of myself reminding God again and again of the desires He has placed in my heart.  He requires no reminding.  i sometimes (or oftentimes) do.  it has made me smile when i've heard their meows.  i've smiled because it has reminded me that the Lord hears my meows - the words of my prayers and the cries of my hearts.  i may not always receive a response from Him in the moment - but He hears and He does not withhold good from those He loves and He appoints the times and places...

stay tuned for future thoughts on
wishing I could let Bella (my dog) run loose in the back yard
caring for Flickr (the neighbors dog) and letting her out of her crate and house...

A pile of leaves...

     Yesterday morning as I got in my car I checked  my garage to see how many rakes and tarps I had.  I was meaning to respond to one of the college student group that was raking leaves as a fundraiser.  The day got busy and I forgot to send that email.  As I drove home from work, I wondered perhaps I should go ahead and do a first round of raking...
     As I pulled onto my street, I saw a pile of leaves along my side of the road - hmm that wasn't there when I left this morning, the neighbors must have raked there yard.  As I got closer, I noticed that their yard still had a lot of leaves in it...   Then I realized I could see the grass in my yard...  Oh my... I was so taken aback by it, that I actually drove around the block.  I was confused.  Even concerned that perhaps I had gotten in trouble with the city for not keeping up the yard better and was going to have a fine posted on my door.  Whelp, when I pulled into the driveway there was no posted fine or note of any sort.  I went over to my neighbor across the street and asked her if she'd seen who raked my yard.  She said an older couple in a silver car - I have no idea who this could be - I don't know very many folks in town and no older couple that I could think of. 
     I am blessed by this random act of kindness or confusion.  I'm hopeful that it wasn't an incident of address confusion and these folks raked the wrong yard (and are now perhaps waiting for a check in the mail).  I feel grateful to have been served in this manner whether intentional or unintentional.  And what if this was intentional, I must admit that I'd like to know who did it.  I'd like to sit down and share a meal and get to know them.  You see I'm lonely.  This act is kind and a tangible way for me to see God's provision through the anonymous act of strangers (but I am longing for the entertaining of strangers who may be the angels amongst us or of fellow sojourners for ministry one to another.) 
     This has caused me to think about how it is oftentimes easier and less messy to meet physical needs thrugh anonymous acts of kindness than to really meet the hearts and minds of those in need.  I in no way want to discount the glass of cold water or the pile of leaves in my front yard - they have value beyond what I realize.  Yet in my mind it is hard to build much of anything on a pile of leaves and in some ways the anonymity of it makes me feel more alone, not less...  I'm reminded that way more than any material gift I could want, I deeply desire the companionship of community and the fellowship of believers.  This makes me think of how in the future I want to extend my hand to not only serve another, but to shake their hand offering relationship.
     I accept from God's hand what He has brought.  I will remain grateful for what I have been given and not fix my eyes on what I have not.  I accept this good gift of leaves in my front yard.  I will choose to receive and remember it as a simple symbol of the unexpected good that He has in store for me.  

Friday, October 8, 2010

some thoughts on words...

Pastor Dan at my church back in PA has been blogging about words and their power to bless or curse ( and  i've been thinking a lot about the vacuum that is created when words are withheld as well as listening beyond the surface of the words spoken...

i think we block the blessing many times by being scared or uncomfortable or shy or concerned with propriety or whatever and so we choose to not speak.  there is power that can come, but is held back when we do not give or accept forgiveness, when we do not recognize or encourage growth in one another, when we do not verbalize that we care for one another.  i think of the many fathers who are uncomfortable and so do not say to their own children "i love you".  i think the absence of these words is in itself passing on a curse instead of a blessing.  i also think that sometimes we hold back on speaking words that may wound, but are actually the very words that need to be spoken in order to recognize the curse and push past it to the blessing (i think of how "the wounds of a friend can be trusted", and the quote that "grace must wound before it heals")

this past sunday, the pastor was talking about aspects of biblical community and one of his points focused on "greeting one another with a holy kiss" - he suggested that this meant that we demonstrate our affection towards one another... i think this has some physical dynamic to it, but the larger chunk of it has to do with the outward expression done publicly and i think words are a major part of that.

on a similar note, i think it is important for us to listen beyond the words that are spoken - to hear the blessing or to hear how God wants to redeem the words that may have been spoken as a curse (by Him speaking truth over us).  i've learned that though my father may not say "i love you" when we part, he does say "you be good now, ya hear" and if i listen at the surface level i could receive a curse (he thinks i'm not good and am disobedient), but if i listen more deeply - i know his heart is hoping for good to be ahead of me and is actually speaking a blessing

new beginnings...

my compass points toward hope...

the past few months have held a lot of new beginnings...

new job

new house

new town

new state

the search for a church community

those initial connections with acquaintances that may become friendships

the journey goes on and though i don't know very many details of what these new things will become... i do know that HOPE lies ahead and upon this truth i take things one step at a time.  it may sometimes seem as if i'm meandering along and though i may not know exactly which branch to take at the junctions i encounter, i do believe that my meandering has purpose beyond what I can imagine...

Romans 5:5 And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

i've decided to record aspects of my life here and i may one day release it so others may look to see beth's life as she meanders on at hope...

this hope that i look to, it will not disappoint...

may i walk in truth and  in spirit being filled and overflowing with the love of our gracious and compassionate God