Sunday, November 13, 2011

posts i've started writing in my head...

precious reminders from a 4 year old
- ask to hear a person's stories, listen carefully, then ask for more
- while discussing animals we like, i went the opposite direction and said i didn't like mosquitos - she said it wasn't the mosquito that she didn't like, it was it biting her that she don't like.  o my, this point hit home with me in numerous ways

new scanning probe microscope

speaking in chapel...  ~i've yet to listen to myself, but you can find it here:
the pain of suicide, CF, sexual abuse
     things are not as they should be, this is not how it was meant to be

Ginger comes to visit - cups of coffee and great conversations

box of chocolates

pumpkin this and pumpkin that
     carving pumpkin party at my place
     finding pumpkin ale and my favorite pear cider after a long week
     pumpkin muffins, soup, cheesecake, pancakes, waffles

we all fall short, and Joe Pa is no exception
     where have I in my own life missed an opportunity to bring light into a dark place?

sunshine breaking through the clouds in the midst of a stormy day

The trees must be laid bare in order to bear the weight of the winter ahead
     what do i need to let go of in order to bear what this next season brings?

sharing the bread and the cup, learning to love like Jesus

i hope to write out my thoughts on at least some of these things in the near future, but for now - here's a taste

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